
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
banjo_and_kazooie icon
Intermediate A lot 55.38 %
DQ | fearsome
bayonetta icon bayonetta icon bayonetta icon
Doing okay Some 20.0 %
bayonetta icon joker icon
Noob A little -
Johnny Macarroci
bowser icon mii_brawler icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay A lot -
DQ | Belfo
byleth icon yoshi icon
Doing okay Some 27.27 %
byleth icon
Intermediate A little 0.0 %
cloud icon
Advanced Some -
corrin icon palutena icon mewtwo icon
Intermediate None -
3-13 | Aegis
corrin icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate A large amount 52.92 %
dark_pit icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate A lot 39.29 %
dr_mario icon captain_falcon icon
Noob None -
dr_mario icon
Advanced A little -
duck_hunt icon link icon sora icon
Beginner None -
falco icon
Expert A lot 71.08 %
fox icon
Doing okay A little -
TA | Naga
greninja icon king_dedede icon
Doing okay A large amount 25.77 %
Elykarina | Siuaaron
greninja icon lucario icon pikachu icon
Advanced None -
greninja icon
Doing okay A little 33.33 %
ike icon donkey_kong icon mewtwo icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
ike icon lucina icon
Intermediate A lot 58.95 %
incineroar icon greninja icon
Intermediate A large amount 57.39 %
incineroar icon zelda icon terry icon
Advanced A large amount 44.67 %
inkling icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay None -
jigglypuff icon
Doing okay Some -
joker icon pyra_and_mythra icon wario icon
Beginner None -
FTW | Zerin
joker icon wolf icon rob icon
Otherworldly A large amount 81.52 %
joker icon falco icon
Intermediate A lot 12.5 %
WLPR | Bidoof
joker icon
Doing okay A large amount 33.85 %
WLPR | Rapires
kazuya icon ice_climbers icon
Professional A large amount 78.25 %
king_dedede icon
Doing okay A lot 17.24 %
FCTUC | RawrDragon
king_dedede icon
Otherworldly A lot 73.33 %
WLPR | MisterJO
king_k_rool icon dark_pit icon
Doing okay A little -
king_k_rool icon pit icon roy icon
Intermediate None -
F4 | Snoopy
king_k_rool icon
Expert A large amount 54.27 %
uP | Duplo_A
little_mac icon terry icon sora icon
Intermediate A lot 48.28 %
mario icon
Otherworldly A large amount 59.03 %
mario icon
Doing okay Some 15.79 %
marth icon
Doing okay A large amount 42.39 %
meta_knight icon luigi icon mega_man icon
Intermediate Some -
mewtwo icon ken icon kirby icon
Intermediate Some 21.43 %
mewtwo icon lucas icon
Intermediate A lot 32.5 %
F4 | DaSlickMick
mewtwo icon piranha_plant icon byleth icon
Doing okay Some -
B&B | BigLord
mii_gunner icon mii_swordfighter icon mii_brawler icon
Advanced A large amount 69.72 %
mr_game_and_watch icon bowser icon captain_falcon icon
Noob Some 8.33 %
DQ | manu
mr_game_and_watch icon
Beginner A little 33.33 %
ness icon young_link icon byleth icon
Doing okay None -
ness icon
Advanced Some -
ness icon
Doing okay Some -
ORO | Puto_Guilhas
peach icon byleth icon
Advanced A large amount 65.43 %
pikachu icon greninja icon little_mac icon
Intermediate None -
Gamer tag District Age Gender Comment
banjo_and_kazooie icon LuisSilva porto image Porto 31 Male Sabias que o jogo da malha já era jogado pelos romanos?
bayonetta icon DQ | fearsome lisbon image Lisbon 16 Male gajo mais novo do sbpt melhor bayo de portugal se tiver ...
bayonetta icon funky setubal image Setubal 16 Other
bowser icon Johnny Macarroci porto image Porto 22 Male
byleth icon DQ | Belfo lisbon image Lisbon 27 Male
byleth icon OneforAsh porto image Porto 19 Male Ola bom dia
cloud icon Daltooh leiria image Leiria 18 Male i love swords ig
corrin icon Sharplet setubal image Setubal 16 Male Sempre gostei de smash, seja ele Melee ou Ultimate e semp...
corrin icon 3-13 | Aegis lisbon image Lisbon 28 Male Ser lindo e modesto requer bastante prática, mas se acred...
dark_pit icon Torres lisbon image Lisbon 17 Male Os Pits são mimimimimi🥱🥱
dr_mario icon bracames lisbon image Lisbon 28 Male
dr_mario icon Gholü viana_do_castelo image Viana do Castelo Male
duck_hunt icon Roger lisbon image Lisbon 16 Male
falco icon Thank coimbra image Coimbra Male Jogo única e exclusivamente para publicar clips no Twitter.
fox icon Pescador setubal image Setubal 28 Male
greninja icon TA | Naga porto image Porto 21 Male Fodasse este jogo de merda *Continua a jogar o jogo*
greninja icon Elykarina | Siuaaron porto image Porto 42 Male
greninja icon Pist4chio viseu image Viseu tenho mais damas que peluches de pokemon, acredita que is...
ike icon Vorcray porto image Porto 24 Male
ike icon Sol porto image Porto 28 Male Cria carácter
incineroar icon Cyrus Male
incineroar icon Jonnas porto image Porto 35 Male
inkling icon LeFix vila_real image Vila Real 19 Male
jigglypuff icon Byte porto image Porto 19 Male
joker icon Zizz HI
joker icon FTW | Zerin lisbon image Lisbon 20 Male Oi frango. Quando você tiver um peitoral desse, depois a ...
joker icon CaptPliskin coimbra image Coimbra 36 Male
joker icon WLPR | Bidoof lisbon image Lisbon 19 Male Super Idol的笑容 都没你的甜 八月正午的阳光 都没你耀眼 热爱 105 °C的你 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水
kazuya icon WLPR | Rapires setubal image Setubal 17 Male
king_dedede icon Marcelo747 lisbon image Lisbon Male Gosto de kebab
king_dedede icon FCTUC | RawrDragon coimbra image Coimbra 21 Male Viva o Departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências e ...
king_k_rool icon WLPR | MisterJO coimbra image Coimbra 17 Male K rool down smash is funny
king_k_rool icon Lowtier-Hightier lisbon image Lisbon 16 Male
king_k_rool icon F4 | Snoopy setubal image Setubal 27 Male Mano, eu nem jogo este jogo.
little_mac icon uP | Duplo_A lisbon image Lisbon 34 Male
mario icon BigMarioFan28 setubal image Setubal 22 Male O meu kazuya é bue bom
mario icon Santurso setubal image Setubal 28 Male
marth icon ToasterText lisbon image Lisbon Male
meta_knight icon Sultan porto image Porto Male O meu Meta Knight é sick
mewtwo icon octo leiria image Leiria 16 Male
mewtwo icon Amafite lisbon image Lisbon 15 Male Os meus bonecos curtem de cilcar B lateral
mewtwo icon F4 | DaSlickMick setubal image Setubal 25 Male
mii_gunner icon B&B | BigLord lisbon image Lisbon 38 Male It's a Mii, Mario.
mr_game_and_watch icon tozeleal porto image Porto 28 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon DQ | manu Joguem de GAME AND WATCH
ness icon Jumpre aveiro image Aveiro 20 Male
ness icon DJMP madeira image Madeira 26 Male
ness icon Tanou braga image Braga 22 Male
peach icon ORO | Puto_Guilhas lisbon image Lisbon 20 Male jogo bue
pikachu icon Bpenedo lisbon image Lisbon 25 Male
Gamer tag Roles
banjo_and_kazooie icon LuisSilva Content creator Player Streamer
bayonetta icon DQ | fearsome Player
bayonetta icon funky Player Streamer
bowser icon Johnny Macarroci Player
byleth icon DQ | Belfo Player TO
byleth icon OneforAsh Player
cloud icon Daltooh Caster Content creator Designer Player Streamer
corrin icon Sharplet Player
corrin icon 3-13 | Aegis Player
dark_pit icon Torres Player
dr_mario icon bracames Player
dr_mario icon Gholü Player
duck_hunt icon Roger Player
falco icon Thank Player
fox icon Pescador Player
greninja icon TA | Naga Caster Designer Player TO
greninja icon Elykarina | Siuaaron Player
greninja icon Pist4chio Player
ike icon Vorcray Player
ike icon Sol Player TO
incineroar icon Cyrus Caster Player
incineroar icon Jonnas Player
inkling icon LeFix Player
jigglypuff icon Byte Player
joker icon Zizz Player
joker icon FTW | Zerin Player
joker icon CaptPliskin Designer Player TO
joker icon WLPR | Bidoof Player
kazuya icon WLPR | Rapires Player
king_dedede icon Marcelo747 Player
king_dedede icon FCTUC | RawrDragon Player Streamer
king_k_rool icon WLPR | MisterJO Content creator Player
king_k_rool icon Lowtier-Hightier Player
king_k_rool icon F4 | Snoopy Caster Player
little_mac icon uP | Duplo_A Player Streamer
mario icon BigMarioFan28 Player
mario icon Santurso Player
marth icon ToasterText Player Team manager TO
meta_knight icon Sultan Player
mewtwo icon octo Player
mewtwo icon Amafite Designer Player
mewtwo icon F4 | DaSlickMick Content creator Streamer TO
mii_gunner icon B&B | BigLord Player TO
mr_game_and_watch icon tozeleal Content creator Player Streamer
mr_game_and_watch icon DQ | manu Player
ness icon Jumpre Player
ness icon DJMP Player
ness icon Tanou Player
peach icon ORO | Puto_Guilhas Player Streamer
pikachu icon Bpenedo Player
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